Explore the MEGA Halo Communities!

After the recent closure of the Official MEGA forums and MEGA Unboxed, it's more important than ever to band together as a Community and create something special! On this page, you will find links to pre-established communities of mine, aswell as other ways to get involved as a fan of Halo!

Join The Mega Construx Domain Facebook Group!

This Facebook Group is a massive hub of collectors, content creators and fans of The Domain's YouTube Channel! - Keep up to date with myself (The Domain) and other large creators, whilst sharing your custom builds, figures and more with like-minded fans!

Join the Fun! (13+)

Join The Domain's Private MEGA Halo Discord Server!

This Discord group is a great place to share your collection, aswell as growing it, with it's very own moderated buying and selling channel! Home to stop-motion, customs, memes and so much more, this Discord group is an excellent place to chill out and grow your fandom!

Join the Fun! (13+)

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

My YouTube Channel is THE place to go to keep up to date with myself, Halo News, aswell as my latest MEGA Halo content. Aswell as a plethora of fun Halo content (and more!) you will find a welcoming community thriving within in my comments sections and Live-streams! - Come check it out!

Come and tune in!

Below, you will be able to explore even more of the MEGA Halo Community, and whilst I do endorse these groups/content creators, I do not moderate them, so please explore them at your own risk!


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The Janus Key Project

An ambitious project looking to become the definitive home to Halo Catalogging, this website has some seriously in-depth looks at the latest, and oldest figures and sets! - Please go and show them some love and support!

Check the website out!